Wow, a long time since the last one! Lots has changed. I think. Mom passed away early in 2012 and that put me in a long loop. I finally took some time off work starting in June 2013 and I'm going back to work in August 2014. Still not sure I want to keep on doing engineering, but at the moment it is the only thing I have training to do. Should I go back and be a doctor? A pharmacologist? Open a knitting/cycling/coffee shop? Train to be a programmer? Something else entirely? I don't feel like I'm using my brain much just doing the same old chem eng stuff day after day after week after year. But it will pay the bills for a while...
I'm behind on the taxes, but caught up with my kids. The projects are all still half finished - 3 outstanding kitchen items (for 3 years), the playhouse needs finishing, the trim at the front porch, the tiling of the new fireplace. But I seem to only get time to deal with kids, and paperwork and exercise and cooking and cleaning and then the day is done and the list is still there. Not sure how this will all go down come the fall when the kids are back in school.
Loving my knitting, and just taught the beginner knitting for my Gala donation, it was really fun and the ladies were great. I think I even might have 'passed the bug' to one or two of them. Still have 6 WIPs, but itching to cast on something new!
The kids have just finished school, and we are enjoying a first day of 'nothing' before we head out on our big trip to Portland, OR on Monday. The boy is gaming all day at a friend's house and the girl and I will have lunch and go to the Olds Fibre Festival this afternoon. Scouts has a wrap up party tonight and then only 2 more soccer games for the girl and we are DONE for the season.
Looking forward to some good hiking, camping and relaxing this summer. Kids have a few camps, but not too heavy, so we get some quality time together!
Not sure when I'll catch up again, but this struck me as a good check in point today.
Later 'gators!!