Monday, December 28, 2009

Back to 'Normal' ?

I've been a slug. There I've said it. Not a whit of exercise and WAY too much food in December 2009. The holidays have been fun, but the kids *and* the adults have had WAY too much sugar and nowhere near enough exercise.

Well, that is about to change. I've registered for the Tri-Club at Mount Royal U starting in January, and with Karate and Flamenco, that means at least 5 bouts of exercise a week, I need to add in an extra run and cycle, hopefully on Fridays. I'm looking at the 'Tri-It Tri' in Calgary on May 23, 2010 to start and the August Women's Only in Strathmore. How I'm going to do all this with crazy work and Gala and kids, I'm not sure, but I need to make it happen somehow. Keep watching this space for my updates :)

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Back at it - September is here!

Was a banner week, but man, am I SORE. I've been reno'ing the home office this week (think prybar, falling 2x4's, drywall patches, ripping up carpet, etc. Lots of manual labor, fun but hard work. Then, dance on Tuesday was brutal. Think she was trying to prove to us how hard we have to work to be in the Level III class - but I think we did ok (even with my cramped left hip flexor!). Then Thursday at Karate, Sensei tried (but failed) to kill us, first a run, then drills, then the actual karate stances!! Then Friday morning was my first actual 'Triathlon' event - a Tri-swim class. Good coach(es) and learned one crucial element that helped a *lot* - I was not keeping my head down in freestyle and was not breathing properly as a result. Had a couple of 'ah ha' moments when I actually felt like I was going fast through the water!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Testing out the knee

Ran 2.5 km today. Did it in 3 min run followed by 2 min walk. Not great, but knee only twinged me once half way and when I walked for 3 minutes it was fine until I was almost home. I think when I turned 40 the warranty ran out ;). Fun thing was I got to sync it with my new Nike+ monitor (pink and white, my DS would be proud of me!). So far no snacks in the evening, only have 1.5 hours left to go. And some boring computer work (yawn). But tomorrow is Flamenco, I'm always up for that!! Not too inspired tonight. Just feeling old and out of shape.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Swim Time is not too bad

Went in the pool at lunch today. Did 800 m in 20 minutes. A few hard laps, a fair bit of resting. Methinks with some stroke/breathing improvements, I could definitely shave 2-3 minutes off that time, maybe get close to the 2 minute mark for 100 m. I think I forgot a lot of stuff the coaches on swim team taught us (or maybe they didn't?). Like, I get all out of sync with my breathing, on crawl and breaststroke and it kills me by the end of a few laps. And how to properly do a flip turn, I'm either too close (ouch!) or too far and only my toes touch the wall - fat lot of good that does!! Definitely need to sign up for a tri club, I think - have to talk to DH when he is back about joining the club at Mt.Royal in the spring. Maybe get some personal training between now and then. But in the meantime, find a doc to get this thyroid in order and maybe address the recent knee pain...
Gosh, I seem to be falling apart! Like I hit 40 and the warranty ran out :)

Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Art and Exhaustion of Kids Birthday Parties

Well, it is done. My 7 y.o. ds's birthday party. Pirate themed, backyard, hot sun, water pistols, chips, cheezies and cake. The amount of noise 7 boys and 2 girls can make is astounding. The silence tonight in the house is fabulous... I'm exhausted (30 degree heat will do that to me), but satisified that things went very well, no crying, no fights, every one seemed happy. Even the kid who didn't want to get wet was soaked in the end ! Gotta upload photos and vids for dh to see, as he is overseas in Manchester UK. THink I'll go for a swim tomorrow, and pick up a new Nike+ band on the way home!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Getting Back on The Bandwagon and ...

Did 2 bootcamps last week, plus bike riding. Starting to feel like I'm getting back in shape. But Need to register for a fall run or I won't keep up with the running! And then a tri next year will be hopeless!

We had a fun weekend camping with the kiddies at Cataract Creek, but did I take any pics? No! Funny how a weekend away seems like a lot longer. But the mound of laundry seems like more than 2 days as well - how is that???

Back to work tomorrow, although only a regular weekend, feels like I'm coming back from vacation :)

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Almost a year since the last post. Nothing like being up to date.... I did run that 5 km in May, and in less than 8 mins/km. Haven't hardly done a speck of exercise since but am trying to figure out which run to sign up for next. I'm thinking a triathlon either next summer or the following one.

School is done, summer is here, I think its going to be a great one. Lots of bike riding and exercise classes (6 am??) and running, hiking and playing :)